Friday, March 26, 2010

Universal fiduciary standard shot down

The financial-reform package recently introduced by Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., dropped an earlier provision that would have imposed a fiduciary duty on anyone offering advice on investments.  Th Financial Planning Coalition has lobbied for months to include a requirement of fiduciary duty to all those who hold themselves out as a financial planner.  Apparently Wall Street special interest groups, with their huge political contributions, got their way.  And the investing public remains at a disadvantage.  Rest assured that I have always been and will remain a fiduciary, which means in short, that my clients' interests come before the interests of my firm or me.  For any new readers, this is a good question to ask your current advisor.  You need to know if you can trust your advisor and whether he/she has your best interests at heart.

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